This is a DA Renegade Server Plugin. It represents a simple bank system where players can add or remove their credits from. (Inspired by the DA Ban Manager) Place the arka_bank.ini file in the server folder (where DA.ini und such files are located ;) If there's no arka_bank.tsv file, the plugin creates it and stores the data in it. The structure contains the player name, player's serial hash value and the amount of credits (balance). Player names don't have an important part since the identification of each data is set by the serial hash code. The command is " !bank dp|wd|info [CREDITS|"all"] ". dp = depose (optional you can type "depose") wd = withdraw (optinal you can type "withdraw") In the arka_bank.ini you can set up the account's upper limit. The temporary data getting saved into file on game over and get read from file on every new game that starts.